Timber and Timber-Aluminium Windows

Qualital brings you the style and attention to detail you would expect from European manufacturers.

Our genuine engineered timber windows with an aluminium exterior are timelessly elegant. Every fragment is designed, engineered and hand finished in Italy by our Qualital team of experienced craftsmen using the finest materials and is of the state of Italian art.

The Engineered Timber is laminate joined, meaning that knots and deformities are removed from the section. Each layer of the timber is finger jointed along its length. Because the laminating gives the timber about six times better stress factor of solid oak and increases its stability by 40% compared to solid equivalent, this method creates dimensional stability by eliminating bending and twisting as well as an aesthetically attractive wood grain finish.

When combined with double glazing, timber windows provide phenomenal energy savings. Well maintained timber can last for generations, as testified by countless heritage listen buildings. And because they include the highest quality MACO hardware, they are easy to operate and extremely secure.

Needless to say, double glazing and energy efficiency are standard features. We will also make your windows to order in any size, shape and configuration you require. Our product is completely finished- painted, stained and glazed, so you can install right away!

Features & Benefits

Choose between timber and timber-aluminium doors and windows.

Qualital offers a wide range of fully finished timber windows and external doors. Our range includes composite (timber-aluminium) windows with powder coated aluminium cladding as well a variety of accessories and frame systems.

Timber offers a classic look that is warm and durable. Aluminium cladding improves the sleek modern style even greater durability and incredibly low maintenance.

Standards you can trust

When you are buying windows and external doors from us, you have a great selection of:

All timber windows and doors are certified and strictly comply with Australian and European Standards and include certification for:

  1. Thermal insulation
  2. Water seals
  3. Wind and noise resistance
  4. High security locking systems
  5. Advanced windows fittings
  6. Special draining systems
Contact Us for More Details

If you would like to obtain further information on our doors and/or windows, please call us on 03 9315 2715 or .